Terms and Conditions

Cancellation Policy

We understand life gets busy, and have an understanding cancellation policy because of this. Our specialist practitioners have a waitlist for their speciality services, and we ask for as much notice as possible to be able to offer an appointment to another patient in need.

Please note our cancellation policy:

    ⁃    Classes: full fee/loss of class from pass within 3 hours of class start time.

    ⁃    Appointments: $13 fee for cancellations within 12 hours of appointment, or 50% of appointment fee for cancellations within 3 hours or no shows.

You can make payment for late cancellations the next time you are in the studio, or via the link in emailed invoice; this link is only valid for 24 hours so prompt payment is appreciated.

You can cancel your class or appointment online via our booking system, via text or phone call on 0478116700. Please do not cancel via social media channels.

Our duty of care as health practitioners is to ensure no-show patients obtain the necessary clinical follow-up, so we will contact you to help you reschedule your missed appointment.

Refund Policy 

The sale of a class pass and/or rehabilitation pack is final and valid for 6 months from time of purchase.  We not offer any refunds, transfers, suspensions or extensions on class packs, except in cases of illness, injury, birth & recovery, or surgery. In these health circumstances Pear Exercise Physiology & Physio will suspend the class pass/ rehabilitation pack until a time when you are able to return to exercise. 

We do not provide refunds for class passes due to change of mind, user error, change of address, unsuitability or any other reason.

Gift Vouchers 

Gift vouchers purchased from Pear Exercise Physiology & Physio are limited to the current dollar value, or service held on the voucher and are not redeemable for cash. Left over credit from gift voucher will remain on clients profile to be used towards other services.

Parent Waiver & Release of Liability for Minors

With the growth in our Mums & Bubs classes, and in Mums bringing their children along to appointments, we have taken the following actions to help protect both our studio, and your littles ones, in getting involved in the classes & appointments at Pear! 

Parent Waiver and Release of Liability for Minors which states that children can be involved in exercise physiology, remedial massage and physiotherapy appointments & supervised small group classes, but their safety & responsibility lies with you as their parent/guardian. 

Our team will assist where we can with childminding, however our primary role is to teach the class, and provide supervised exercise programming and other active & manual therapies. 

To protect children with allergies to eggs, peanuts and similar nut products, Pear Exercise Physiology & Physio has a policy that no food or products containing eggs or nuts should be brought into the studio - such as:

i. eggs or egg shells
ii. egg cartons for craft
iii. peanuts, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecan nuts
iv. any other type of tree or ground nuts, peanut oil or other nut based oil or cooking product, peanut or any nut sauce, peanut butter, hazelnut spread, marzipan
v. any other food which contains nuts such as chocolates, sweets, lollies, nougat, ice creams, cakes, biscuits, bread, drinks, satays, pre-prepared Asian or vegetarian foods
vi. foods with spices and seeds such as mustard, poppy, wheat and sesame seeds. 

We also have a Parent Waiver and Release of Liability for Minors for you to sign, which states that children can be involved in small group classes & appointments, but their safety & responsibility lies with you as their parent/guardian. Our team will assist where we can with childminding, however our primary role is to teach the class, provide therapeutic services & supervised exercise programming. 

Asthma Management Plans

We require a copy of any Asthma Management Plans on file at our studio as part of our health & safety policies, this includes for yourself or your child who may be in attendance with you to classes or appointments. 

Thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding with our policies.

Costs List

Remedial Massage 

Pregnancy Remedial Massage
60mins - $129
90mins - $169 

Labour Prep Massage (90mins)

Remedial Massage (inc. cupping) 
60mins - $125
90mins - $159 

Postnatal Recovery Massage 
60mins - $129 
90mins - $169 

Exercise Physiology - Classes 

We require you to have attended at least 1 appointment with our Exercise Physiology team prior to progressing into classes.

Pregnancy/ Mums & Bub's (Reformer)
$38 per casual class
$350 for 10 class pass 
$650 for 20 class pass

Pear Reformer/ Strength & Reformer / Osteoporosis / Pear Strength
$35 per casual class
$300 for 10 class pass 
$540 for 20 class pass

Active Aging (Golden Girls) 65+
$16.50 per casual class

Pinkmoves Oncology Rehab
$16.50 per casual class
$145 for 10 class pass (currently supported by GenesisCare)

Exercise Physiology

Initial Appointment - $135
Review Appointment - $95

Principal Initial Appointment - $169
Principal Review Appointment - $110

Physiotherapy - Pelvic Health

Initial Appointment - $200
Review Appointment (Standard) - $139
Review Appointment (Extended) - $165

Physiotherapy - Lymphoedema

Initial Appointment - $195
Review Appointment (Standard) - $139
Review Appointment (Extended) - $155

Physiotherapy - Musculoskeletal

Initial Appointment - $195
Review Appointment (Standard) - $139
Review Appointment (Extended) - $155

Clinical Nutrition 

Initial Appointment - $135
Review Appointment - $90

How does virtual clinic (Telehealth) work? How do I pay?

Our virtual clinic appointments with our Physio, Exercise Physiology & Nutritionist team are via secure linked Zoom. We will send you a link 2 days prior, and on the day of your appointment with your access code. 

After your appointment an invoice link will be sent for payment via our secure payment gateway Stripe. Payment must be made within 12 hours of appointment, or payment can be made at the time of booking.

Telehealth appointments are eligible for both private health rebates & Medicare EPC rebates. 

How can I join a small group class (Pilates of Strength)?

We require you to attend a 'Class Prescreen' appointment prior to joining our specialist group classes for Pregnancy, Mums & Bub’s, Osteoporosis Strength, Pinkmoves Cancer Rehab and Golden Girls. This is so we can take any relevant medical history (pregnancy status, postnatal status, cancer care pathway, injury history etc.) take some biomechanics and work with you one on one with our equipment. It also allows us to individualise exercises to you as much as possible within a group setting - as exercise is not a one size fits all! 

You can make all class bookings via our app

NDIS Service Agreements

We accept self managed and plan managed NDIS participants - and require a schedule of services be completed at Initial Appointment to aid in funding distribution and ease for our clients on going reporting. Please talk with our friendly admin team if you have questions regarding this process.